Free Killer Sites to Build Your Skills Online

The number one and best investment you can ever be part of is to educate yourself. This is the beginning of all success because nobody can be successful in a field they do not understand. According to statistics, 75% of Americans believe that they will become successful playing lottery. Not that it is bad to have high hopes, but the chances of of becoming successful from playing lottery are minuscule. That leaves us with two options, to smarten ourselves up and to work hard towards our dreams. 

I have compiled a number of resources here for you that will help you determine the course of life you want to take. You have all the choices in your life to be either a lottery hopeful or to start today and become a better person. 


1. Coursera.   The reason I am giving this a top priority is because of how advanced, comprehensive and wide the programs are. I have personally used them and found them to be very very helpful. They have also merged with other first class universities around the world to offer people free education with certificates at the end of every program. Their courses last about 3-8 weeks and are very flexible. You work on it whenever you have time. It is also a great place to build networks with other students that can help you once you are done with your program. 


2. Codecademy.  It is my curiosity that brought me here and Codecademy taught me coding just like the name suggests. I am never satisfied knowing only one thing. I am passionate about improving my skills and brain power and that is why I had to take programming courses.

Out of this cause, my friend and I build an Android motivational app that can freely be downloaded here: MOTIVET.  Codecademy is free for all, very interactive and offers you hands-on learning (Do as you learn).


3. Udemy.  If you are looking for courses and lessons that you can customize to fit within your skills then Udemy is the place to be. The site is almost similar to Coursera and offers the best courses from top universities around our beautiful planet Earth. You name it, they have it. The only question is, are you willing to put in time? 



4.  Harvard Extension. The only thing that Barack Obama, Al Gore, Bill Gates, Dean Norris, Franklin Roosevelt, George W Bush among others share in common is that they all went to Harvard. Now this prestigious university is giving back to people like you and I who have ambition and determination to supers the names above. And guess what? You can do it! You can now take Harvard courses at the comfort of your couch. I highly recommend their free courses. They are totally worth your time.



5. Code: Another great site for computer programming especially if you want to get into the field of Apps. Apps are and still will be relevant as long as you can design and solve a problem that nobody has tackled yet. Code also have amazing kids program so if you have a child that you think is techy, then send them to Code site so that they can build their skills at an early age.



6. University of London. If you like to listen to audio books and podcasts then this site is for you. University of London airs podcasts of courses from its campuses and has also partnered with over ten universities around London to help you and I build our skills so we can achieve our dreams. I personally like to listen to their podcasts when I am running/jogging or when I am doing home chores. It is a very smart way of spending your time. 



7. YouTube. This site is not only for entertainment and watching cat videos. There are lessons in the field of finance, business, leadership, motivation that can be helpful in building your skills. On top of listening to great music, you can now take another route with your entertainment and listen to skill building courses on YouTube.



8.  Entrepreneur. If you are in business and like to be motivated by people who have failed and got a second chance to prove themselves and what they are worth, then might be the place for you. There are great resources, videos, articles from pundits around the world who have made it in life. Go check them out and who knows, you could be the next big thing on


9. We have great articles that have inspired many. And of cause if you enjoyed reading this article, please subscribe and get motivational, educational and skill building resources free of charge from us and our amazing guest bloggers. If you are a writer, please consider submitting your articles with us for publication.



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