The “DON’TS” endorsed by All Entrepreneurs & Leaders #Leadership #Success

By Josh Okello
It would be fallacious to say that all entrepreneurs share a common DNA. However, most entrepreneurs will agree with you that their success came as a result of incessant practice of what could be termed as success rituals. These are the constant intransformable beliefs and practices that guide one on a journey to mega achievements. Other entrepreneurs and leaders also have permanent don’ts that define their character. All entrepreneurs and leader should have at least these 5 “don’ts” in their organization.
Regrets mean that you are more engaged to the past than the present or future. Regrets can only ground you and keep your vision myopic blocking you from visualizing better opportunities ahead. Shake the past off but learn from history. It is also important to understand that the efforts that have brought you thus far are not the same as the ones you will apply to take you where your vision and dreams direct you.
I once heard of a common pun that goes; “an idle mind is a devils work shop.” there it is, you heard it from the wise so do not be idle. Think of things that needs to be changed. Do the work you have pending even if it means sweeping the office. Write a blog if you want to get your mind away from work. Build your social media platform. Never sit doing nothing unless it is your time to meditate.
How is your work place looking? Take a minute and look around you? Do you have papers all over your desk? Coffee cups that needs to be thrown away or cleaned? Books that are not arranged? Open envelops that litter your work space? Be organized. It is really hard to think wide and deep if your work place is in a mess. Instead of stressing about it? Take the initiative of cleaning your work place even if it is only 5 minutes of your time everyday. Be neat, it rewards.
Settle for Less
Settling for less means that you under-value your efforts and that greatness is not quite what you want in life. You cannot build competency if all you do is mediocre. Mediocrity slowly build to mega failure because it involves being satisfied with less.
Impossibility is a sweet word used before a task is started and often times great opportunities are the ones that are highly considered impossible. Try doing something even if the outcome is imperfect. There is a difference between being imperfect and mediocrity. If you are trying your best and giving it all yet the results are not to the expected par, that is understandable. One needs to try and find out why that is so and rectify it. To say that something is impossible is to get into an action with a cold feet. Never believe in negativity. Keep giving it your best.


All content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only. The owner of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site.
The owner will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information nor for the availability of this information. The owner will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information.

Free Killer Sites to Build Your Skills Online

The number one and best investment you can ever be part of is to educate yourself. This is the beginning of all success because nobody can be successful in a field they do not understand. According to statistics, 75% of Americans believe that they will become successful playing lottery. Not that it is bad to have high hopes, but the chances of of becoming successful from playing lottery are minuscule. That leaves us with two options, to smarten ourselves up and to work hard towards our dreams. 

I have compiled a number of resources here for you that will help you determine the course of life you want to take. You have all the choices in your life to be either a lottery hopeful or to start today and become a better person. 


1. Coursera.   The reason I am giving this a top priority is because of how advanced, comprehensive and wide the programs are. I have personally used them and found them to be very very helpful. They have also merged with other first class universities around the world to offer people free education with certificates at the end of every program. Their courses last about 3-8 weeks and are very flexible. You work on it whenever you have time. It is also a great place to build networks with other students that can help you once you are done with your program. 


2. Codecademy.  It is my curiosity that brought me here and Codecademy taught me coding just like the name suggests. I am never satisfied knowing only one thing. I am passionate about improving my skills and brain power and that is why I had to take programming courses.

Out of this cause, my friend and I build an Android motivational app that can freely be downloaded here: MOTIVET.  Codecademy is free for all, very interactive and offers you hands-on learning (Do as you learn).


3. Udemy.  If you are looking for courses and lessons that you can customize to fit within your skills then Udemy is the place to be. The site is almost similar to Coursera and offers the best courses from top universities around our beautiful planet Earth. You name it, they have it. The only question is, are you willing to put in time? 



4.  Harvard Extension. The only thing that Barack Obama, Al Gore, Bill Gates, Dean Norris, Franklin Roosevelt, George W Bush among others share in common is that they all went to Harvard. Now this prestigious university is giving back to people like you and I who have ambition and determination to supers the names above. And guess what? You can do it! You can now take Harvard courses at the comfort of your couch. I highly recommend their free courses. They are totally worth your time.



5. Code: Another great site for computer programming especially if you want to get into the field of Apps. Apps are and still will be relevant as long as you can design and solve a problem that nobody has tackled yet. Code also have amazing kids program so if you have a child that you think is techy, then send them to Code site so that they can build their skills at an early age.



6. University of London. If you like to listen to audio books and podcasts then this site is for you. University of London airs podcasts of courses from its campuses and has also partnered with over ten universities around London to help you and I build our skills so we can achieve our dreams. I personally like to listen to their podcasts when I am running/jogging or when I am doing home chores. It is a very smart way of spending your time. 



7. YouTube. This site is not only for entertainment and watching cat videos. There are lessons in the field of finance, business, leadership, motivation that can be helpful in building your skills. On top of listening to great music, you can now take another route with your entertainment and listen to skill building courses on YouTube.



8.  Entrepreneur. If you are in business and like to be motivated by people who have failed and got a second chance to prove themselves and what they are worth, then might be the place for you. There are great resources, videos, articles from pundits around the world who have made it in life. Go check them out and who knows, you could be the next big thing on


9. We have great articles that have inspired many. And of cause if you enjoyed reading this article, please subscribe and get motivational, educational and skill building resources free of charge from us and our amazing guest bloggers. If you are a writer, please consider submitting your articles with us for publication.



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All content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only. The owner of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site.
The owner will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information nor for the availability of this information. The owner will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information.

How to Pay Your Mortgage Quicker

 By Josh Okello.

We all have dreamed of living debt free life but how do we do it in this credit card era? One of the debts that is hard to grapple with is a mortgage debt simply because it is the most voluminous investment most people do. Signing up for over $200,000 home debt can be  a blessing in disguise but we always think of the big question, “How can I get out of this huge debt sooner?

I strongly believe that Real Estate is still going to be the best investment anybody can try for the next fifty years especially if you are willing to hold the property for a longer period of time.

If you research on google how to pay your mortgage faster on Google, you will meet crazy titles like, “How I paid my mortgage in two years,”  “How this family cleared their mortgage in 5 years” and I am sorry to burst your bubble, all those are trash talk! Clearing your mortgage in a short period of time boils down to this simple dogma, “Increase Your Principle” Period!

Here is an example: $100,000 mortgage at 6% interest rate paid over a period of 30 years has a monthly payment of about $599.55 and only about $99 going to principle in the first months.

Adding another $99 will double your principle, eliminate about 107 payments over the life of the loan, save you about $39,900 in interest expenses and shorten the mortgage period to about 21 years. WOW! If that did not inspire you then I am not sure what will.

So here are some of the ways to shorten your mortgage life span:

Refinancing to a Shorter Term

The only reason why financial institutions like the longer period of payments is because they are the ones who smile at the end of the day. The longer your payment period, the higher the interest you will pay therefore you are losing more. However, it is also important to note that refinancing to shorter mortgage period will increase your principle tremendously but reduce your interest. Do the math and check what works for you.

Shopping Lower Rates

A lot of people do not know that they can move their mortgage from one financial institution to the other if they are giving you a better rate. This is not a warranty to hop from one bank to the other. Remember that some banks charge fees to move your mortgage so check which one saves you money. Just understand the fact that you bought a house already does not mean the end of shopping for better rates

Bump Your Monthly Principles 

Caution! Some financial institution have got stringent rules on how much you can go over your required annual payment, therefore, consult them before you increase your monthly principle.

Shift to  Biweekly Payments

Take your monthly payment divide it by two and pay that amount after every two weeks. There are 52 weeks in a year and if you do bi-weekly payments then you will get about 26 payments. This means that you are adding an extra full payment per year. For a mortgage period of 30 years, you could be reducing your mortgage lifespan by about 6 years if you take this route.

Find which option or a combination that works for you but always remember to save extra money for when life happens. Since none of us can predict what tomorrow will bring, you want to have at least a 6 months worth of savings in your account for emergencies. So write a budget, save and do the math.

If you are interested in reading more about my works, please subscribe.  You can also get my award-winning book on leadership and success by Clicking Here .


All content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only. The owner of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site.
The owner will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information nor for the availability of this information. The owner will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information.

6 Important Lessons You Need to Learn From Muhammed Ali #success #leadership

Muhammad Ali

By Josh Okello

If you are reading this in 2016, you should count yourself super lucky to have lived at the same time as the world’s greatest man! Muhammad Ali touched so many lives and can be listed in the list of icons such as Nelson Mandela. But his life story could mean absolutely nothing to us if we have nothing to glean from it. So what can we learn from the legendary king of the cage?

 Live Your Life

A lot of us spend time living other people’s lives. Yes we know you want to be the next great icon you have in your life but don’t forget that you can be the greatest in the world without impersonating someone else.

Speak it Out

You definitely heard about his famous quote, “I am the world’s greatest!” while some might consider this cocky, arrogant and rude, he made people believe in him as the world’s greatest and not only in boxing but across all culture. Say what you want to be and let people hold you accountable to it. Some of the greatest people who have spoken their minds include heroes like Elon Musk – “I never give up!” Obama – “Yes we can!” among others.”

 Care to Care

Are you caring enough to care about what other people are going through? Muhammad Ali once said that “if people can love each other the same way they love me, then the world would be a better place.” never love people because they are on their prime time but love them because we belong to a tribe called humanity. Love all, care for all and be compassionate.

Find a Point of Entry

If you think Muhammad Ali was only the greatest athlete who ever lived, then you are wrong. He actually used boxing as a platform to be who he was. Ali was a voice of the people, he was a culture changer, a beckon of hope, an inspiration to millions of people. He negotiated and mediated peace across the world. Find your point of entry and build that platform then do more than what you are known for.

Elon Musk started with Pay-Pal, moved to Tesla, Space-X and now a great promoter of natural clean energy. What is your entry point?

Learn to Control People

By this I do not mean domineering and dictatorial kind of control, but figure out how to position yourself as a leader in everything you do. Ali learned how to control people even when his back was against the ring. A lot of mixed martial artists know that when you are in the middle of the ring/cage and your opponents back is against or facing the ring then you are the one controlling the game. This strategy has been widely used by judges who score the fights in Mixed Martial Arts. Ali was so good that he did not need to be on the middle of the ring to control his opponent.

Something else that he did successfully was to get in people’s minds. He really knew how to set minds captive and obey him. This is a strategy that you need to build to be the greatest.

 Develop Unrelenting Character

Saying it is not enough, you have to do it and once you start doing it then you will learn the challenges involved.

Never give up! Keep on going on until it is done then keep doing more!

RIP the world’s greatest!


How to Build Wealth from Absolutely Nothing #success #Finance #Selfhelp


By Joshua Okello,

A lot of people are always trying to find out how to make money and multiply their wealth. The question is, “is there a formula towards wealth acquisition?” or “how do the poor get rich?” We are always familiar with this sad quote, “the rich get richer and the poor get poorer” but it doesn’t have to be this way. I am going to share with you how you can lift yourself up and gain wealth if you start planning your finances today.

Truth be told, the rich get richer because they can afford to be rich as well as diversify their portfolio. But this does not mean that any average person cannot attain this level of success. Everybody can, only that it will take you twice or even thrice the amount of work done by the rich to maintain their status. So are you ready to go to work? The biggest question to ask yourself is, “what affordable or free resources can I use to acquire capital assets?”

One of the secrets is to make super low risks with high returns. But before you even do this, you need to know how to venture into such risks and it is hard to risk if you have nothing to risk. So try these:

Pick a Side Job

Are you currently employed? If your answer is yes, how much do you earn? If your answer is not a lot, then have you considered taking another part time job? Remember: to compete with the best, you have to be the best yourself. It does not matter if it is a manual job or a white collar job. Just find something else to help you boost your income level. This is what I like to call leveraged expenses. If you get another source of income, you stand a chance of saving for your investments.

Some of the side jobs that you can try include:

  • Publishing – Write a book in a field you understand better. There are so many people out there who would like to learn something from experts like you. This has worked for me and that is why I am sharing it here as my number one point. I have written books on entrepreneurship and success and you can find them here for as cheap as $0.99 cent. Click this Link to Grab a Copy If you do not know how to write a book, then click  How to be a Prolific Writer for a free manual with no sign up on how to write more than 3 books in a year.
  • Lawn Mowing – Did you know that in your city, there are some people who are so busy, they have no time to take care of their yard or even clean their houses, or even go grocery shopping? How about getting paid to do that? Remember, you are starting out so you do not have to be picky after all, once you have your money in the bank, it does not read, “received from doing such and such a thing.” It is a saving!

It is also important to watch your expenditure. Write a budget and stay within affordable expenses. Only buy those things that you need and consider downsizing. You can sell those things that clatter your place online for a descent amount of money. This will keep you organized so you can focus only on those things that are important.

Be honest with yourself and your friends and let them know that you are cutting down partying because you are saving to buy a house. You will gain their respect.

Invest in Yourself

What do you want to accomplish? Are you familiar with that field? I always wanted to be in marketing, entrepreneurship, publishing and finance and those are the books that I read. You do not even have to spend a dime to educate yourself. There are a lot of free articles and online resources that you can use to learn and master your trades.  Some even do offer certificates once you are done. (I will do an article on free resources you can use to invest in yourself this week so feel free to visit again).

Anybody who is interested in accumulating wealth should know at least the basics on time value of money, mortgages, interest rates, annuities, perpetuities and terms such as dividends and equities. Try and get as much information as you can.

Invest in Capital Assets

The best part of owning a capital asset is that it generates cash flow with least amount of your efforts. You can still be doing what you like to do and expect money to come in. One of the many capital assets that a lot of wealthy people go with these days is real estate. Find a house in a suitable location, purchase it and rent it out. Charge the amount that can bring you profit as well as pay the mortgage. Shop for a responsible tenant and lease the house to her/him and let them know that they will be in charge of the property.  Within 15-20 years, you will have cleared the mortgage, and start earning profit on the house. If you make a number of purchases like this, you can imagine what you can be 25 years from today.

Borrow Money and Invest

Before you do this, make sure that you have done your math and only borrow when you know that the profit margin will be higher than the interest rate you pay and that is how you will be making profits. If done well, you can repay back the money and make easily any amount you set your mind on.

What you are trying to avoid is negative cash-flow where you have to figure out how to pay back the lender. For this reason, go for projects that will have a steady and predictable cash-flow.

Buy Mutual Funds

This is an investment that is funded by shareholders and traded in diversified holdings and is managed professionally. A lot of people do not know that they can earn interests on such investments. If you take it as an income generating asset, it can be profitable but first, make sure you do your research well before you invest in mutual funds.

Buy Dividend Stocks

Some dividend stocks pay quarterly and the wait period can be discouraging to some people.  It could be a safe investment if you are patient enough to wait and if you get the right stocks.

Did you find this article helpful? Feel free to comment, ask questions and I will respond within 48 hours.

Get my new book now while introductory prices are still up by visiting this link: GET YOUR BOOKS CHEAP 

© Joshua Okello 2016.

How to Make Extra Money this Summer #Leadership #Entrepreneurship #Finance

By Josh Okello

Summer is around the corner but how will you spend your time? I understand it is a fun season but what if you were to trade your time with some cash? Instead of thinking how many parties you are going to attend this summer, how about thinking how many portfolios will you run? How many streams of cash flows will you have? And how much will you make while party people enjoy their hard earned money? What if they spend it on a service you offer? There are so many ways to be financially stable this summer and here is a list on what you can do to boost your financial status.

Start a Cake Business

We all love cake, either for breakfast, parties, weddings, or even as a dessert. So how about baking for those who do not like to bake? Good thing with this business is that you do not need special equipment if you already have an oven at home. Go online and find a recipe that you think is great, test it first to ensure that it gives you quality products. Design flyers on your computer or even on your Android phone and print them. Distribute them to your neighbours and make sure you let them know that you do door-to-door delivery. Market your business to your church friends, Facebook friends, school and family. Start marketing in the spring so by early summer you can have a few people taking orders already.

Art Business

 IMG_20151220_010954Most people are gifted and are very good with crafts. If you can draw, paint, write, make baskets, stitching, then summer is your time to visit your bank smiling. I personally write and draw. On the left is a sample of one of my arts. Visit galleries and ask them to host a few of your works. Sell on kijiji, Etsy or Amazon and use social media to leverage your marketing cost. Just take a picture of your work and send it to all your social media following. Everybody loves art so sell, sell, sell!

Write a Book

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People want to know what kind of information you have. That is why writing has been divided into genres. Are you a poet, or a fiction writer? What are you good at? Write about it! If you like food, write about food, write recipes, or even a book about restaurants that you visited and what you ate there. People want to know and that is why your book will sell. When, writing, do not write for money, write from your heart with intentions to share knowledge. I personally write on business, leadership and philosophy. Click this Link to Find my Books at highly reduced prices. Make sure that your books are well edited and professionally done. You can find amazing editors for $5.00 only on Fivver so make use of such sites to offer people a quality product.

Offer a service 

What are you good at and how can you give back to the society? Your community needs your expertise. Can you coach/tutor math, science, soccer, hockey, basketball? Start a club and share your ideas with people and people will always support you when you are going to benefit the community.

Are you good in business or leadership? How about coaching business leaders in your town? Every business has a struggle they are going through so to offer a solution to them can be a good way of putting your knowledge at work.

Start a Car Detailing Business

Car detailing is a thorough cleaning of the car with an aim of bringing its quality to a show room standard. This means cleaning both interior and exterior of the car. Learn a few tips online on how to do it and once you have brushes, detergents, wax, clothes and water, then you are set to start your own detailing business. Just make sure you do not take more orders than you can handle. I will recommend taking a maximum of two cars per day. If you do door to door then it saves you the cost of water and you do not have to worry about drainage since most homes today have good drainage system for waste water. Here is a link that can help you learn how to do car detailing.  Car Detailing Lessons.

Design Cards

Are you tech savvy? Can you manipulate photos or even hand-make them? Design party cards, birthday cards, holiday cards, love cards, thank you cards, engagement cards, Christmas cards and sell them.

Garage Sale

We all have junks that we want to get rid of. For some reason we do not know why those old clothes and picture frames are in our closet. You remember those prom shoes you wore many moons ago? How about those hand bags that are making your room a museum? Look at those books and novels on your shelf. What will I find if I visit your storage room, your garage? Will you be happy to show me what you got? Well maybe it is time to make a few bucks out of those wealth we do not want to get rid of yet they do not add any value to us.

So what is your plan? Did I forget any other idea? Please comment and share it down here. We all want to help and grow one another. Plan your summer now.

© Joshua Okello 2016.

This is Why I Wrote a Thank You Letter to Over 100,000 Followers on Twitter #Leadership #Success


By Josh Okello

I want to sincerely thank all my followers and readers who have stood with me and encouraged me as an author. I am inspired by your positive attitudes and great comments that you have been giving me. I want you to know that I am sincerely grateful for all the support you shown me last weekend. My book Entrepreneurship Philosophia got a lot of orders with our free Kindle promotion. So once again from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU SO MUCH.

IMG_20160314_093902 Here is a screenshot of the book orders since I put it on Amazon shelf. This has been possible because of the strong support I get from great followers like you. I have learned a lot from my followers and readers and I want you to know that you make me who I am and I will be honest and sincere with my writings making sure that I only give you contents from my heart. With this kind of trust that you have shown me, I would like to give back to you all.

I also want to recognize and  salute those who ordered more than one book! Keep up the spirit of reading. The more you read, the more you learn.

To those who missed my free order on Kindle books last weekend, you stand a chance of winning a hard copy of Entrepreneurship Philosophia using Amazon Giveaway program. The book + Tax + Shipping has been paid for just for you. All you need to do is enter the contest and you could be the lucky winner! Amazon will randomly pick a winner and send you the book when the contest is over in less than 7 days. Here is the link to get in the contest.

Good Luck.

Thank you so much and have a blessed week.

© Joshua Okello 2016.

Leadership Lessons from McGregor VS Diaz Fight #UFC196 #Success


By Joshua Okello

UFC 196 went down way different than anybody else predicted. Even the champions did not believe what it boiled down to. But one fight that stood out to me was the Conor McGregor vs Nate Diaz’s fight. After taunting each other, calling each other names and expressing notoriety of the highest calibre, things took a different turn in the octagon and the underdog was crowned the king of the cage.

CheetahConor McGregor, an eloquent public speaker, greatest public relations and the best mental fighter! He for sure can demolish you with words before he lands a clean one punch that has seen heroes like Mendez, Jose Aldo crumble under their feet.  McGregor, being an arrogant, fighter explained to Nate Diaz in a press conference that;  Nate cannot brake out of his set routines. Nate is like an injured gazelle. He has soft flabby body. You are like a gazelle, I am a lion and I will eat you alive. Your little gazelle friends are gonna stand on the cage looking at your carcass being eaten alive. I will slap the head off your whole team one by one. But on 5th March 2016, things took a different turn. The gazelle was reckoning charging and demolishing a lion on his own game. Nasty punches that saw Conor crumble like a cookie followed by a rear naked choke making the lion tap out. Nate the underdog humbled the king of talks but there is more to it than just the win-defeat game it was. Leaders can learn that they should:

Walk the Talk

Never just talk and if you do then talk after an action.  Saying too much before a win makes you irrelevant when you are defeated. When you talk big make sure you act big to have solid premises to back your arguments up with otherwise the public will humble you as it is now happening on social media for McGregor.  Humble yourself before people humble you down.

Never Underrate Your Opponent

You might be a lion but lions should remember that gazelles have horns and lions don’t. Gazelles can charge and pull a surprise. Never underestimate the power of an underdog, look at them like a mountain to climb and not as a slope to descend. They deserve dignity and respect.

Stay Humble

Never create a lot of enemies. Thank those who make you a hero including those you take belts away from. One thing I admire with the king of Octagon, the Brazilian champ, Anderson Silva is that he is a good Mixed Martial Artist, at the same time he shows respect both in Octagon and outside. He bows and kneels before his opponent whether he wins or not. A lot of leaders forget this but the public admire the humble. People know that arrogance is short lived but staying humble makes you a champion even when you lose.

Set Scary But Realistic Goals

I believe in setting high goals and being better than who I was yesterday but that does not mean that I can move from 145lb to 170lb like Conor did after Rafael Dos Anjos injury. The punch that knocks out 145lb is not the same as the one that knocks out 170lb. When setting goals, make sure you go for those objectives that does not alter your strategy completely. It is safe to have small positive incremental changes than to jump a tall building before you learn how to fly.

Learn From Your Mistakes

I admire Conor Mcgregor a lot with this one. Even though a loss is a bitter pill to swallow especially when you are arrogant, he admitted and accepted his mistakes and the defeat. It is the nature of the game; you win some you lose some. They say experience is the best teacher. How could Conor have learned? Only by getting in the octagon and fighting which I respect him a lot for. He did fought, landed clean punches that dazed Diaz until that submission came.

“I am humble in victory or defeat. I respect Nate and I will face it like a man, I am still a champion,” – Conor Mcgregor.  All in all hats off to Conor and mad respect to Diaz for taking the fight in a 2 week notice. Dear leaders, stay humble!

Click Here for Books by Joshua Okello

This is How You Can Win $50 Visa Gift Card This Weekend Only (26-02-2016 to 28-02-2016)


Laws of Success Book Cover         Visa Gift Card

I am giving away $50 Visa Gift Card THIS WEEKEND. You want to win? Yes it is a $50 value visa gift card that can be used anywhere in the world and someone reading this post is going to win it. Will it be you? Here are the details:

In order for my books to become an official “Bestseller” on Amazon platform, I need to have real customers with real sales and real testimonials posted on the amazon website. What is surprising is that it doesn’t take a million orders to become the best seller. By my estimation, if just 50 people buy my latest book “Natural Laws of Success” (at just US $0.99) this weekend, it will probably top the list of leadership and entrepreneurship category. Will you help me?

What is a better way to motivate you to help me so you and a few other readers will buy the book at only $0.99 then just write a nice testimonial and if you like it please rate it 5 stars!Visa Gift Card

I don’t know if only two people will do this favour for me or 100 people but the odds of you winning a $50.00 visa gift card are better than the lottery.  Probably 1 out of 15… that’s great odds!

THIS WEEKEND I am going to take all the testimonials directly from the Amazon book page, then I am going to put them into a jar and I am going to randomly pull out the winner of the $50.00 gift card.

Then I am going to have the $50.00 gift card shipped to your home no matter what country you live in… just for buying a $0.99 and writing a nice testimonial.

Remember, if you don’t win, you still get to own and read a really great book on Natural Laws of Success which you probably want to own anyway at only $0.99. And after this promotion, I will raise the price back to retail.

Laws of Success Book Cover   I know I am being very greedy by asking you to spend an entire $0.99. You could just write a testimonial on amazon, even if you don’t own the book, but there is logic behind my request…

Book buyers are given more credibility than non-book buyers. If you write a testimonial on a book that you don’t own, Amazon doesn’t think it is very credible, but if you actually buy it with your Amazon account, they think it is highly, highly credible and put your testimonial higher on the page.  This helps new people discover and believe that “Natural Laws of Success” is a great leadership book.

Click Here to Get to the Book

Please buy it and post your testimonial this Weekend so I can enter you into the draw

Then take a screen shot of your receipt after purchasing the book and send it to

Thank you and God bless you.

Joshua Okello

Author of:

 Entrepreneurship Philosophia,

Natural Laws of Success

Strategies of Entrepreneurial Leadership.

This is What is Missing in Your Success Equation

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By Josh Okello

We all have been in a place where we want to live a life of significance, a purposeful life marked with elusive drive to succeed. But how can we design a life we love? How do we use our objectives to take us there?

We’ve talked a lot lately about setting objectives. Objectives are good — great even! But when it comes to leading a life of significance, they’re just the first step. But we cannot master the art of setting objectives without our own defined philosophies.

3D Book Design

That’s why I’m so pleased to share my new book, Entrepreneurship Philosophia, with you! It’s a powerful foundation for making sure that the objectives you set add up to the life you want. It will guide you on how to design your own philosophy to success. Do you have a philosophy? Has that philosophy led you to a life of significance?

You can either intentionally pursue a life of significance or you can unintentionally drift into the nonsignificant. This book brilliantly teaches how to do the former while avoiding the latter. Get it, read it and live it.

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